Posted by Lis Barsuglia-Madsen on
Winter's work: wool and weaving near Harrisville

Feb 17, 2016 — Sometimes, Lis Barsuglia-Madsen and her husband Michael would like winter to be twice as long as it is. You would too, if you spent the cold months making your art out of fleece: coloring it with natural dyes, and weaving or knitting it into rugs, sweaters and scarves. Call it fanciful yet utilitarian.
For these fiber artists, there is no "off season." This is the time of year for lots of indoor work, as next month marks the start of another busy season of exhibits, fairs, and road trips for artisans across the region.

Today, a trip into the woods near Harrisville, in the northwestern Adirondacks, to visit Lis and Michael, who gave up jobs in marketing and at the post office to devote their attention to all things fiber. Lis grew up in Denmark, and the couple moved from New Jersey to the North Country over twenty years ago. The new environment offered a chance to focus on following a dream — spending time together as artisans inspired by the mountains, deep woods, and solitude.